A Path, an Illusion, a Way of Life

NT-Cardiox 60 cápsulas

NT-Cardiox, Desarrollado bajo un enfoque integrativo y complementario , un producto de formulación exclusiva que contiene una cuidadosa selección de componentes para ayudar en el cuidado de lo que más importa.

  • Ribosa.
  • L-Carnitina.
  • Extracto seco de semillas de uva (Vitis vinifera, L.)
  • Bisglicinato de magnesio.
  • Ácido L-ascórbico (Vitamina C)
  • Kaneka Ublqulnol™.
  • Menaquinona (Vitamina K).

Recommended price

49,95 €

Miles of grapes, vitamins, and magnesium.

A novel dietary supplement that may help maintain circulatory health through its antioxidant action and support vascular health.

The included Vitamin K contributes to normal blood clotting.

It includes Ubiquinol in its formulation, which is the reduced form of the well-known Coenzyme Q10. It is a fat-soluble molecule stored in adipose tissue and the liver. Its function is to supply energy to every cell in our body and act as a catalyst for various physiological processes.

Grape seed (Vitis vinifera) helps maintain circulatory health through its antioxidant action and supports vascular health.

Other considerations and warnings:

This information does not replace medical advice; it is for informational purposes only. Before using the product, we recommend consulting with a healthcare professional.